Into The Wizard's World

You feel the buzz on its chord-al plane

Accelerating like a bullet train

Elevating where the music gods reign…

Transcending into the wizard’s world ---

For you are most welcome here.


Melodic mayhem envelops your core

Infusing a feeling like never before

Shunning reality for just a little more…

Mesmerized within the wizard’s world ---

For your very soul lives here.

His instrument becomes a charging steed

Alighting the heavens with blazing speed

Riffs of magic even the masters heed…

Lighting strikes deep in the wizard’s world ---

Yet you have nothing to fear.


But now you sense the journey’s sure end

The very thought you feel your heart will rend

Pangs of emptiness you cannot portend…

Sadly departing this wizard’s world ---

And music that has no peer.


Yet, given the briefest pause to rest

A sip of drink -- some mirth -- perhaps jest

He beckons you forward on still another quest….

And it’s once again into the wizard’s world ---

Where music is magic to the ear.

---Keith Aitken, February 2006

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